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Terragen 2 Input Settings Reference

This page shows all the available input settings for Terragen 2. Input settings are either mouse or key actions that you can use to perform an action in some part of the application.

The actual mouse buttons or keys used to perform the actions are not shown. This is because they can change based on your input settings. The easiest way to see what these settings are is to open the Mouse and Key Settings dialog from the Help menu.

There are several groups of preset input settings you can choose in the Input Settings panel in the Preferences. You can also choose to customise your settings there.

3D Preview
These inputs are for the 3D Preview. There are separate sets of inputs for navigation and the painting mode. These are detailed further below.

Default click : The basic mouse click action.
Orbit : Orbit the view.
Translate : Move or pan around the view.
Zoom : Zoom the view.
Zoom in : Zoom into the view.
Zoom out : Zoom out from the view.
Context click : Brings up the context menu.
Pause : Pause the preview rendering.
Reset : Reset the preview.
Increase exposure : Increases the exposure of the camera being used by the preview.
Decrease exposure : As above, but decreases the exposure.
Increase near clip distance : Increases the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane. If the preview starts to look peculiar, all kind of broken up, then adjust the clipping plane distance may help to fix this.
Decrease near clip distance : As above, but moves the near clipping plane closer to the camera.
Toggle focus point selection mode : This toggles the focus point selection mode, where you can click to set the focus point for the preview.
Centre on focus point : Centres the view on the current focus point.
Toggle Look At point selection mode :
Toggle auto exposure : Not currently used.
Cancel action : Cancels a focus point or Look At point selection operation.
Open param view for selected item : Opens the param view for the currently selected item.
Toggle compass : Shows or hides the compass in the top left of the preview.
Change compass style : Rotates through the compass styles. At present there are two styles, a 2D compass showing heading and 3D XYZ axes.
Toggle measure mode : Turns measure mode on or off.
Copy view to current render camera : Copies the view to the current render camera.
Toggle Rule of Thirds guides : Shows or hides "Rule of Thirds" guides to help with composition.
Toggle redraw elapsed time : Shows or hides a display of the average time it takes for the preview to render.

3D Preview Navigation
These inputs can be used to move the camera around the 3D Preview. They can only be used with keys. They're self explanatory.

Move forward
Move backward
Move left
Move right
Move up
Move down
Rotate left
Rotate right
Tilt up
Tilt down
Bank left
Bank right
Increase movement speed
Decrease movement speed

3D Preview Painting Mode
These inputs are only available when the 3D Preview is switch into Paint mode for editing Painted shaders.

Brush stroke : This is the mouse button which paints brush strokes.
Stop painting : This turns painting mode off.
Increase brush size : Increases the size of the brush.
Decrease brush size : Decreases the size of the brush.

Network View
These inputs are used in the network view.

Default click : The basic mouse click action.
Scroll : Scroll or pan around the view.
Zoom : Zoom the view.
Zoom in : Zoom in on the view.
Zoom out : Zoom out from the view.
Context click : Shows the context menu.
Autofit view : Fit the view to show all the nodes in the network.
Enable/disable node : Enable or disable the selected node(s).
Delete node : Delete the selected node(s).
Add to selection click : Windowed zoom : Do a windowed zoom, where you select an area of the network to zoom in on.
Quick Node Creation : Opens the Quick Node Palette.

Render View
These inputs are using in the Render view.

Pan : Click and hold to pan around the render.
Scroll left : Scroll the image left.
Scroll right : Scroll the image right.
Scroll up : Scroll the image up.
Scroll down : Scroll the image down.
Zoom in : Zoom in on the image.
Zoom out : Zoom out from the image.
Windowed zoom : Do a windowed zoom, where you select an area of the image to zoom in on.
Context click : Shows the context menu.
Toggle solo red channel : Shows only the red channel of the image.
Toggle solo green channel : Shows only the green channel of the image.
Toggle solo blue channel : Shows only the blue channel of the image.
Toggle solo alpha channels : Shows only the alpha channel of the image.

View Windows
These inputs are used in secondary view windows. These are the windows which open when choose to open a 3D Preview or network view in a new window.

If you open multiple views in a secondary view window then each view is shown in a separate tab. You can use these inputs to switch between tabs.

Next tab
Previous tab

A single object or device in the node network which generates or modifies data and may accept input data or create output data or both, depending on its function. Nodes usually have their own settings which control the data they create or how they modify data passing through them. Nodes are connected together in a network to perform work in a network-based user interface. In Terragen 2 nodes are connected together to describe a scene.