Search results for: two heightfields

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......  is my problem? Why isn't the limit between the heightfields good?   ......
......  only: Removed some potentially very slow network queries when the Library contains missing file  ............  a hang that could occur on the Mac when loading heightfields (and possibly other situations).  Updated the  ............  the context menu of a cloud node in the Node Network. ............  are more likely to be approximated. There are two modes to this. The first pass of the RTP, and all  ............  with another object" is available in the Node Network's context menu for object readers and object  ............  a crash that sometimes occurred when loading heightfields, especially when loading multiple heightfields at  ......
......  by screenshot info only, and I'm not working with heightfields, but there's two things that may help, or at  ............ . And what if you use a merge shader, feed in both heightfields and set displacement to add? ......
......  room for future optimisations.  Render nodes have two new options to control the "subdiv cache", which  ............  a button on the parameter views for shaders and heightfields which opens a new shader preview window.  Shader/ ............  has zoom related items on it.  Tooltips in network view display name and type on nodes under the  ............  drag/marquee selection to select nodes in the network view.  View windows have new tabstrip controls.  ............  clicking on the minimise/restore button of the network view when it was maximised would show the 3D  ............  3D preview would then be maximised and hide the network view. This should now work as expected.  The 3D  ............  and the Network View have close, maximize and minimize buttons.  ............  were no longer part of their groups when a new network window was opened (bug 58).  Fixed a problem  ............  interaction speeds particularly with complex networks.  New functions: Bias Scalar, Gain Scalar,  ............  border.  Added windowed/marquee zooming to the network view, see Mouse and Key Settings for the  ............  in the scene. The 3D Preview context menu has two new items, one of which does the same as just  ............ /Debug/Notifier ), intended to help debug node networks.  Navigation panel in 3D Preview is now opaque  ............  the crop region and objects in the 3D preview.  Two new command line options:   * -no3dpreview: Do  ............  open the 3D Preview automatically.  * -nonetworkview: Do not open the Network View automatically  ............ (except in Node Network Layout).  Windows only: The program folder  ............  a batch file called tgdNo3DPreviewNoNetworkView.bat which launches Terragen with the - ............  and -nonetworkview command line options.  LWOMicroExporter now  ............  the Help menu.  Some aesthetic changes to node network rendering which may make it look a little  ......
Announcements / Changes log for Terragen
April 27, 2009, 07:24:34 AM by Matt
......  by adjusting an internal compression threshold.  Two new render settings on the Advanced tab which  ............ "lat long at apex" parameter so that georeferenced heightfields can be remapped to (0,0,0) in world space. If one  ............  your heightfields is georeferenced to (39, -106), for example,  ............  node connections using the context menu in the Network View is now undoable.  Added a "This cannot be  ............  are the "special" tooltips, used in the node network and 3D Preview. Previously these could cause  ............  to stop circular paths being made in the node network. These could previously cause a crash.  Windows  ............  their drawing with OpenGL views (3D Preview/network view) but it could still be better.  Split pane  ............  prefs panel.  Groups are now shown in the Node Network project view list. Nodes in the internal  ......
Announcements / Upcoming public alpha
April 25, 2008, 10:16:29 AM by Matt
......  a button on the parameter views for shaders and heightfields which opens a new shader preview window.  Shader/ ............  has zoom related items on it.  Tooltips in network view display name and type on nodes under the  ............  drag/marquee selection to select nodes in the network view.  View windows have new tabstrip controls.  ............  clicking on the minimise/restore button of the network view when it was maximised would show the 3D  ............  3D preview would then be maximised and hide the network view. This should now work as expected.  The 3D  ............  and the Network View have close, maximize and minimize buttons.  ............  were no longer part of their groups when a new network window was opened (bug 58).  Fixed a problem  ............  interaction speeds particularly with complex networks.  New functions:  Bias Scalar, Gain Scalar,  ......
......  your explanation!  The image maps for both of the heightfields do not overlap, as they show up where I want them  ............  displacement). I instead tried merging the two image map shaders with a merge shader (and  ............  terrain) and it seems to be trying to mix the two images together. They seem to be in the correct  ............  however. Is there a way to get the two image maps to not mix together? Playing with the  ......
......  the context menu of a cloud node in the Node Network. ............  are more likely to be approximated. There are two modes to this. The first pass of the RTP, and all  ............  with another object" is available in the Node Network's context menu for object readers and object  ............  a crash that sometimes occurred when loading heightfields, especially when loading multiple heightfields at  ......
Image Sharing / Desert Rockscape
May 28, 2021, 10:32:47 AM by aknight0
......  more with Gaea terrain. Two heightfields here, with some added gravel and  ......
Terragen Support / Odd Bug...
July 28, 2008, 05:55:43 PM by choronr
...... ; surfaces 1, 2 and 3 are missing. The only two shaders still there are Fake stones. All other  ............  are still there. Also not that the Node Network shows that everything is still there.  I did go  ............  hooked the Compute Terrain to the planet and the heightfields showed up; however, the Shaders are still not  ......
Terragen Discussion / Re: TG 4.1.11 file open failing
December 07, 2017, 05:59:47 PM by FlynnAD
......  the same error and crash.  When I used this file two days ago (and even this morning), I added a  ............  file still crashes.  I also tried loading .adf heightfields instead of the .flt heightfields (as I had both  ......
......  can "stack" heightfields by connecting the red heightfieldshaders to each  ............ . The way this is connected into your node network is "stacked". Now you can move the terrain next  ............  thus the renderer needs to traverse the entire network for both sides first before merging.  Best  ......
......  near the camera.    Left part shows a preview of two heightfields (both with the same DEM file) merged  ......
Terragen Support / Something went wrong
June 15, 2014, 04:51:57 PM by N-drju
......  placed two heightfields, one with erosion and some painted  ............ .  I reopened the file and started to generate heightfields again but yet again the planet was invisible and  ......
...... 've got a scene with two heightfields set to autogenerate. I've noticed  ............  in two separate cases - one when adding a clipfile,  ............  when duplicating an object, that the heightfields will then recalculate, and as the second one  ......
Image Sharing / Bridges
January 15, 2011, 03:32:00 AM by Dune
......  study. Two heightfields and a fractal, two outcrops bend  ......
......  controlled by a distribution shader.  There are two heightfields in this image, they are blended via  ......
......  a particular heightfield. When working with tiny heightfields it can be a pain to try and find a 10km x 10km  ............  world space. For example overlaying a road network exactly where it should be.  Yes, I'm hoping to  ......
User-contributed Tutorials / Migrating from TG 0.9
December 14, 2006, 06:18:24 PM by old_blaggard
......  atmosphere and surface shaders, support for large heightfields, and a very realistic water system. However, one  ............ , Lighting, Camera, and Renderers, and Node Network. Each of these, when clicked, will bring up a  ............  the lower left section of the window. Our last two sections are the 3D realtime preview in the upper  ............ , and the node network in the lower left. In this document we will  ............  be delving very far into the node network, as it is the aspect of Terragen 2 that is most  ............  the camera. In Terragen 2 this is separated into two parts. First, click on the Rendering tab. There  ............  by default two nodes - a Quick Render and a Full Render. Select  ............  window in Terragen is where you generate the heightfields used as a terrain. In Terragen 2, all things  ............  Terrain tab (surprise!). Here you can generate heightfields or fractals that are added to the terrain.  ............  to the Lighting tab. By default there are two nodes: Sunlight and Enviro light. The sunlight  ............  objects are managed. By default there are two object nodes in this section: background and  ......
......  that I'm personally struggling with regards to heightfields.  1. When I add a height field it is always added  ............  both of the above listed issues?   I've included two of the GeoTIFFs I'm using in the hopes that  ............  surprised if it just requires a tweak or two.   Regards, Tudor  ps. Forums can't handle the  ......
Terragen Discussion / Re: merging two heightfields
October 28, 2008, 11:10:37 AM by FrankB
......  - is 102m high. If you ask TG2 to add the two heightfields, the result will be a point that is  ............  shader) have TG2 choose the highest from those two heightfields, at any point. You would have to set  ......
......  respected artists that will be sharing their artwork, techniques, tips and tricks within five  ............  part of his toolset. In addition to providing artwork for many magazine and book publishers, he is  ............  will cover user interface aspects on the node network in this session, but many parts of it will also  ............  to understand the rules which apply to the node network and how to make the best use of them, as well  ............  how to avoid common mistakes.  1 - Node network workflow and hierarchy, how is the network  ............  what needs to be done where? 2 - Importing heightfields/clipfiles into your scene. 3 - Detailing terrain  ............ , strata & outcrops and a voronoi based function network 4 - Restricting these displacements by altitude/ ............  sunsets!  A SILVER pass can get you into these two Saturday sessions, to get access to the whole  ............  on the user interface aspects on the node network in this session.  During this session a scene  ............  author will present the best of his Terragen artwork from his portfolio through an interview style  ............  users.  A SILVER pass can get you into these two Sunday sessions, to get access to the whole  ......
Terragen Discussion / Functions in Heightfields
October 27, 2007, 12:19:33 AM by Mr_Lamppost
...... "vori_test_4" you could have a type of Dome Dune/Network Dune. My apologies to Sethren for being a  ............  and don't think using functions to generate heightfields has been discussed before. This is a general  ............ .  As I said Heightfields are something I have not really looked at so I  ............  was the trick.  First create the function network you want; for this example a simple sine  ......
Image Sharing / Antartic Ice Flow
March 25, 2007, 04:54:23 AM by sshank
...... ....... My first use of two different heightfields.  SteveS  [attach=#]   ......
......  heightfield.  Saturday I will cover:  0) node network workflow and hierarchy, how is the network  ............  what needs to be done where? 1) importing heightfields/clipfiles into your scene. 2) detailing terrain  ............ , strata & outcrops and a voronoi based function network 3) restricting these displacements by altitude/ ......
......  And why is there a mismatch between the different heightfields where they meet? These are two adjacent chunks of  ............  fractal detail added and border blending of the heightfields are set to zero in TG. So they really should line  ......
Terragen Discussion / Flat Spots
June 26, 2011, 03:06:10 AM by PeanutMocha
......  it doesn't look like a sheer cliff? I know that two separate heightfields have a border blending  ............  can't find a way to do the same thing with merged heightfields.  TGD is attached.  Advice on either how to fix  ......
Terragen Discussion / TERRALIVE Survey Results
December 11, 2012, 10:46:33 AM by Digital Art Live
......  use most?  100% answered with Terragen 2  Which two features of Terragen Classic or Terragen 2 would  ............  3. Warp Shader and Function Nodes. 4. The node network from simple to intermediate projects. 5.  ............  different. 11. Atmospherics and blending/merging heightfields  12. Lack of presets in TG2 makes it imperative  ............  Maya and seeing 9 trillion buttons. 4. The node network. 5. The UI is awful 6. The lack of simple  ............  audio. 30.0% I would like to talk about my own artwork or techniques with others. 20.0%  We're  ............  attend all sessions. 42.9% I'd like to see one or two more sessions. 28.6% I'd like to see less  ......
......  added a time offset and plussed it on top to get two lines. This is all a total hack, because edge  ............ .jpg']   The Terrain is a number of different heightfields blended together generated using Classic Erosion  ......
Terragen Discussion / Terrain Basics
February 19, 2007, 11:59:41 AM by fREeCYCLE
......  of the 'entire' terrain calculation. Can I have two, multi-noded terrains which do not interact with  ............ ?  2. Can alphas be used as masks on imagemap heightfields which are blended into a powerfractal?  3. In  ......